Every 12 minutes a stroke goes untreated adds an extra day to recovery time.
Your support will fund a lifesaving medical device called a Biplane Unit - the first of its kind in our region which will help stroke and brain aneurysm patients.
Every minute counts, every dollar counts.
Minutes saved
Help us fund lifesaving medical equipment
Your support will help us fund a lifesaving medical device for the Sunshine Coast University Hospital - a 3D imaging machine called a Biplane Unit - the first of its kind in our region which will help stroke and brain aneurysm patients.
One in four people will suffer a stroke in their lifetime, and every minute a stroke goes untreated, 1.9 million neurons die. With your help, we can establish the region's first clot-retrieval service using the Biplane Unit, sparing patients from the 90-minute journey to Brisbane. This transformative device will provide critical, life-saving treatment right here on the Coast, giving stroke patients the best chance for recovery. We urgently need to raise $600,000 for this equipment.
Every minute counts, every dollar counts.
Mother of three and stroke survivor, Karen shares her story...
Sue Wood just helped 416 stroke patients Andrea Walker just helped 10 stroke patients Wishlist Corolla Raffle just helped 935 stroke patients Terry Pope just helped 416 stroke patients Nicole Roser just helped 5 stroke patients Carolyn Smith just helped 5 stroke patients Andy Meehan just helped 8 stroke patients Tamika Milgate just helped 8 stroke patients Jarnah Mclachlan just helped 1 stroke patient Kirsty Ridley just helped 8 stroke patients Nicholas Eagar just helped 5 stroke patients Janette Collins just helped 23 stroke patients Anony Mous just helped 2 stroke patients Anony Mous just helped 1 stroke patient Amanda King just helped 5 stroke patients Harvey Norman Commercial just helped 563 stroke patients Herron Todd White just helped 541 stroke patients Tanya Grant just helped 10 stroke patients Jacqueline Clift just helped 1 stroke patient Shane & Carmel Walsh just helped 8 stroke patients
Gratitude Message
416 stroke patients helped by
Sue Wood
10 stroke patients helped by
Andrea Walker
935 stroke patients helped by
Wishlist Corolla Raffle
416 stroke patients helped by
Terry Pope
5 stroke patients helped by
Nicole Roser
5 stroke patients helped by
Carolyn Smith
8 stroke patients helped by
Andy Meehan
8 stroke patients helped by
Tamika Milgate
1 stroke patient helped by
Jarnah Mclachlan
8 stroke patients helped by
Kirsty Ridley
5 stroke patients helped by
Nicholas Eagar
23 stroke patients helped by
Janette Collins
2 stroke patients helped by
Anony Mous
1 stroke patient helped by
Anony Mous
5 stroke patients helped by
Amanda King
563 stroke patients helped by
Harvey Norman Commercial
541 stroke patients helped by
Herron Todd White
10 stroke patients helped by
Tanya Grant
1 stroke patient helped by
Jacqueline Clift
8 stroke patients helped by
Shane & Carmel Walsh
1 stroke patient helped by
Chrisssy Hughes
5 stroke patients helped by
David Hebblethwaite
2 stroke patients helped by
Iona Burgin
5 stroke patients helped by
Benita Willis
15 stroke patients helped by
Maryanne Sproule
4 stroke patients helped by
Margaret Tonner
8 stroke patients helped by
Runting Long
5 stroke patients helped by
Wendy Walsh
416 stroke patients helped by
Ethical Brand Co
1714 stroke patients helped by
General Donations
200 stroke patients helped by
Rotary Club Of Nambour
2 stroke patients helped by
Nicole Waters
8 stroke patients helped by
Pacharaporn & Tom Schofield
1 stroke patient helped by
Michelle Smit
1 stroke patient helped by
Nhi Pham
3 stroke patients helped by
Stacey Louise
51 stroke patients helped by
Janette And Tim Irwin
8 stroke patients helped by
Alexander Simmons
2 stroke patients helped by
Josh Milburn
1 stroke patient helped by
The Goblin
125 stroke patients helped by
Bcu Bank
1 stroke patient helped by
Tyrell Tai
85 stroke patients helped by
Erik J Buttars
85 stroke patients helped by
Sarah Martin
28698 stroke patients helped by
Wishlist Spring Carnival 2024
5 stroke patients helped by
Alan Ross
5 stroke patients helped by
Michelle Smit
5 stroke patients helped by
Kristy Rayner
27 stroke patients helped by
Jim Cooper
85 stroke patients helped by
Peter Mcewan
8 stroke patients helped by
Maria Örning
8 stroke patients helped by
John Örning
50 stroke patients helped by
Erica Battel Best
83 stroke patients helped by
Danny De Winter
1291 stroke patients helped by
Sclma 2024 Gala
5 stroke patients helped by
Jean Haimes
4 stroke patients helped by
Veronica Sanmarco
2 stroke patients helped by
Scott Johnston
1 stroke patient helped by
Jenny Payne
8 stroke patients helped by
Eric Livingstone
5 stroke patients helped by
Svetlana De Joux
15 stroke patients helped by
Teresa Armesto-de Winter
1 stroke patient helped by
Jessica Allwood
15 stroke patients helped by
Allen Evans
15 stroke patients helped by
Nicole Armesto
1 stroke patient helped by
Janet Smith
1 stroke patient helped by
Natalie Whiston
15 stroke patients helped by
Liz Leadbetter
26 stroke patients helped by
Tessa Dijkgraaf
15 stroke patients helped by
Stuart Harrison
1 stroke patient helped by
Elicia Mcwilliams
5 stroke patients helped by
Bree Mcdonald
1 stroke patient helped by
Chelsea De Winter
4 stroke patients helped by
Doug&joyce Forward
8 stroke patients helped by
Kelli S
1 stroke patient helped by
Sharon Dick
1 stroke patient helped by
Juanita Taylor
13 stroke patients helped by
Shaneigh Reed
15 stroke patients helped by
Adam Udy
5 stroke patients helped by
Kim Thomas
4 stroke patients helped by
Sharyn De Silva
1 stroke patient helped by
Steve Karen Nicholson
5 stroke patients helped by
Leonie Burns
1 stroke patient helped by
Joe Kinnane
43 stroke patients helped by
Peter And Hilary Osborn
1 stroke patient helped by
Sheryl B
15 stroke patients helped by
Anne & Ian Pyman
8 stroke patients helped by
Stephanie Ford
8 stroke patients helped by
Ruth & George Skiba
1 stroke patient helped by
Amanda Byrne
4 stroke patients helped by
Carlie Bush
2 stroke patients helped by
Teri Konarski
17 stroke patients helped by
Rod Russell
8 stroke patients helped by
Babette Bensoussan
1 stroke patient helped by
Elizabeth Walker
1 stroke patient helped by
Tanya Velimirovic-hazel
5 stroke patients helped by
Luke Bonnett
5 stroke patients helped by
Sara Keenan-smith
1 stroke patient helped by
Katie Beltrame
2 stroke patients helped by
Linda Osmond
5 stroke patients helped by
Rosalind Nemme
5 stroke patients helped by
Than Sein
1 stroke patient helped by
Bernadette Mcnamara
1 stroke patient helped by
Blake Davis
4 stroke patients helped by
Kim Power
418 stroke patients helped by
Margaret Reed
5 stroke patients helped by
Cecilia Morrison
85 stroke patients helped by
Mat Walker
1 stroke patient helped by
Steven Sullivan
5 stroke patients helped by
Anna Williams
This machine will be transformational for stroke patients....
1 stroke patient helped by
Bianca Keegan
This machine will change lives! Thank you to Dr Grimley and Dr Wong for treating my uncle when he had a stroke a couple of years ago.