Watch – Portable Oxygen Concentrators Boost Independence

13 Jun 2024

Palliative patients across the Sunshine Coast community will enjoy a better quality of life while retaining their independence thanks to two new portable oxygen concentrators purchased by Wishlist.

Ordinarily, patients would be required to carry oxygen cylinders around with them which are not only quite a physical burden but also only last for a couple of hours.

The portable oxygen concentrators provide a perfect solution for patients looking to spend a day out with their family, roughly the size of a carry-on suitcase they are easily wheeled around and light enough to get in the car.

For Community Palliative Nurse Unit Manager, Vicki Steed, the concentrators will make an enormous difference to patients she sees every day.

“These concentrators will relieve emotional and physical burden of carrying oxygen tanks around and will allow patients approaching end of life to spend more precious time outdoors with their family.

“They last for 20 hours due to a rechargeable battery, which means patients can use them to go on trips to Brisbane for the day, they can keep them overnight and they don’t have to carry large oxygen cylinders around with them.

“Our patients absolutely love them,” Vicki says.

Wishlist were able to purchase two portable oxygen concentrators, totalling $7,140, all thanks to generous donations from the Sunshine Coast community.

Watch Vicki explain how the concentrators work and the difference they make to local palliative patients.

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